The Photo League was organized into collaborative documentary production groups. Prom was a member of the Feature Group led by Aaron Siskind. His photos in the Harlem Document, Dead End: the Bowery and Park Avenue North and South sections below were shot in projects of the Feature Group. The Coney Island photos were from a project Prom pursued on his own.
Prom never titled his images. Descriptive titles have been added to the photos for identification purposes.
Harlem Document
the contrasts of life within the community
Dead End: the Bowery
the derelict conditions and faces and postures of the defeated on "Skid Row"
Park Avenue North and South
the juxtaposition of the rich (below 96th Street) and poor (above 96th Street) on the same avenue
Coney Island
the cart pushers who carried the wealthy up and down the boardwalk
photographs Prom shot on his own during his Photo League period
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